A Fresh Variety at Every Meal

Experience the Difference.
One important aspect of an enjoyable stay at OakView Health Center is the comfort and familiarity of nourishing food that addresses the needs of the individual while satisfying the desires of the palette. At OakView, a trained culinary team serves three delicious meals a day in a restaurant-style dining room along with an assortment of healthy snacks offered throughout the day.
Private dining rooms for special gatherings of family and friends and room-service accommodations are also available following surgery or rehabilitation.
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tel 805-241-2000
Simply call and say you would like a tour of the health center and we will accommodate to your schedule.
Contact Us
OakView Health Center
3557 Campus Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
tel 805-241-2000
© 2023 OakView — We are an equal opportunity employer. Continuing Life LLC provides support and services to leading senior housing communities under a services and licensing agreement that allows for use of the Continuing Life® mark. The company does not own, nor is it financially responsible for, OakView. State of California DPH License # 550000791 and DSS License # 197607372.